1. Kompuestos shares are listed at the Mercado Alternativo Bursatil (MAB). MAB is a Multilateral Trading Facility (Sistema Multilateral de Negociación) which is run and managed by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Sistemas de Negociación S.A, through its Board of Directors. MAB, its governing body, MAB members and participants are subject to supervision by the National Spanish Securities Commission (“Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores”).
2. In order to buy Kompuestos shares in the market, investors should open a securities account at a bank or at a securities house. Such entity may be in Spain, the European Union, or in a country that may operate without restrictions in the Spanish Securities Market.
Please take into consideration that all corporate information is both published at
our website and at the
MAB website.
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4. If you have any questions please
contact us. Alternatively, you may contact
oscar.tejada@gvcgaesco.es. GVC Gaesco is Proveedor de Liquidez (Liquidity Agent) for the Kompuestos stock.
To know more click on the following links:
MAB - Investors- How to invest?
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