Hacia un futuro

Nos hemos adherido al compromiso de sostenibilidad
y circularidad medioambiental "New Plastics Economy Global Commitment". #GLOBALCOMMITMENT
Descubre másHacia un futuro

Nos hemos adherido al compromiso de sostenibilidad
y circularidad medioambiental "New Plastics Economy Global Commitment". #GLOBALCOMMITMENT
Descubre másHacia un futuro

Nos hemos adherido al compromiso de sostenibilidad
y circularidad medioambiental "New Plastics Economy Global Commitment". #GLOBALCOMMITMENT
Descubre másAñadimos valor al plástico
Kompuestos diseña y fabrica concentrados de color, aditivos y compuestos plásticos, para ofrecer soluciones adaptadas a cada necesidad y con la garantía de la más alta calidad.
Presente en más de 40 países y con más de tres décadas de experiencia, Kompuestos se ha posicionado como un referente en la industria de los concentrados plásticos, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
October 6, 2020
Kompuestos is developing sustainable single-use catering products
Kompuestos is an active member of the “Circular Single-Use Catering Products” CBPM project. In this project, Kompuestos aims to develop resins that are either home compostable or biodegradable in nature for the production of more sustainable single-use catering articles.
Read moreMarch 14, 2019
Kompuestos signs the New Plastic Economy’s Global Commitment
Kompuestos has joined the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment to eliminate plastic waste and pollution at the source.
Read moreKompuestos received a Eurostars award to have its European project Repelplas granted
On October 4th, 2018, Kompuestos attended the Eurostars award ceremony at the Innovation Expo in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in the presence of the Dutch State Secretary of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy, Ms. Mona Keijzer and RVO director Tjerk Opmeer.
Read moreDecember 2, 2018
Meet us at the European Bioplastics Conference next week!
Let’s build together your roadmap to the sustainability! The 13th edition of the European Bioplastics is about to start. Join us next week in Berlin at our booth #1! Let’s talk about our compostable resins and Bioexfill® solutions.
Read moreJanuary 12, 2018
Kompuestos compostable plastic solutions highlighted in Film and Sheet Extrusion
Once again, Kompuestos is proud to have its activities for the development of biodegradable and compostable plastic solutions as well as its participation at AMI Smart Packaging in October this year reported in the latest issue of Film and Sheet Extrusion.
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